
What Is Your Next Step?

We want to connect with and guide our members and attendees in taking next steps to becoming fully engaged in the church and actively participating in what God is doing at Victory. 

We do not stress membership. We emphasize participation and we do so through what we call our 4Gs.

GATHERING - Our church exists for people far from God, and we want you to be consistently present during Sunday morning gatherings as well as inviting people in your life to experience the life-changing love of Jesus. 
GROUPS - Participating in a small group is the best way to build community and foster spiritual growth at Victory. Through our small groups, you can connect with others as you grow in your relationship with Christ.
GIFTS - God has equipped each of us with unique gifts and skill sets. At Victory, we provide you opportunities to use your talents to serve God's vision through the local church.
GENEROSITY - At Victory we consider it a privilege to give back to God what He has so freely given to us. We celebrate generosity and the work God does through our sacrificial giving.