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Spiritual Exercise

2/2/2022 -

The year was 2016. I was six months postpartum. I don’t know if it was the Holy Spirit or hormones but when my Pastor gave a sermon about doing hard things and asked us to run a mini-marathon for the sake of clean water for villages in Africa, I was the first to say yes...

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Do You Feel Insignificant?

1/26/2022 -

Do any of you feel like you are insignificant…so insignificant that you feel like God just COULDN’T use you. Your addiction, your sin, your past? Do you feel like you’re just anonymous, another name that is brushed over? Are you in distress? Is your sadness too much to bear? Is your LIFE just too much to bear? ...

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Let Go

1/19/2022 -

We are halfway through January. How are you doing on those New Year’s resolutions? Hopefully you are still going strong, but I know many have already left behind the resolutions you made because of failed attempts or too many missed days. That doesn’t deter me from continuing the tradition in coming up with a word each year. It helps give me direction and a goal to focus on. This year’s is a little different, but it’s the thing I keep coming back to. “Let Go.” ...

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The Old Lady In the Mirror

1/12/2022 -

As I have gotten older, it is sometimes hard to grasp that I am actually 63 years old. I don’t “feel” my age (and my husband can confirm that I don’t ACT my age either!) A few years back I was talking about this very thing with Mrs. Terry Bright. She said something so profound, and it has stayed with me. She said it’s because our souls are eternal and so they never age. And isn’t that exactly what makes us, “US”?...

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He Is Willing

1/5/2022 -

And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his face and implored Him, saying; “Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean.” The He put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing: be cleansed.” Immediately the leprosy left him...

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