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Don't Write Off Your Own Story!

4/10/2024 -

It is really easy to write off your own story with thoughts like “who would even care to listen?” Or “I’m not qualified to share my story and how God impacted me”. I have had struggles with these exact thoughts about my story, so much so that I feel I have almost given up on sharing my story....

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Running With Perseverance

4/3/2024 -

As springtime weather turns warmer and the days get longer, it becomes more common to see runners out along city streets and on trails, steadily marking the miles. While I’m not one to run unless something is chasing me, there was a chapter in my life when I trained with my sister to walk in several half-marathons. Ever cold-natured, I’d begin our walks with far more layers than was necessary, inevitably tying sweatshirts or jackets around my waist midway through our time together. Like those extra layers, sin seems comfortable and familiar and not-so-harmful at first, but ultimately weighs us down, robbing our energy and ability to focus on the course God wants us to take. Hebrews 12:1-3 paints a memorable picture of the spiritual race laid before us...

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Free Indeed

3/27/2024 -

This week is Easter. Jesus went on a journey for all of us. A journey to free us from our life of sin. Freedom is something we are all searching for. I get that with us living in the United States of America we are “free”. We are free to do so many things that many other countries are not free to do. We are free to practice whatever religion we want, free to vote for our government officials, we have freedom of speech. I don’t take that lightly, as I know we have men and women who have chosen to fight for that freedom, to the point of death, even.

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Don't Miss It!

3/20/2024 -

Every single day we have opportunities to live out our faith in real time! Our women’s bible study this winter was on the book of Luke. One thing we learned was that the apostle Peter missed the crucifixion of Christ! What?! Upon further study, I realized that, except for John, NONE of the apostles were there! It makes me wonder. How much have we missed?...

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Purposeful Pursuit

3/13/2024 -

"I just want to be a man of God." It was such a powerful statement, and yet, there is a vulnerability and a humility within those words. How often do we make the declaration that we desire to be a man (or woman) of God? And I don’t just mean publicly, I mean within our own hearts. Let’s take it a step further-how often do we actively pursue what it means to be a man of God?

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