You Are A Miracle to Me
Written by: Kenny Scott
While studying the life of Joshua in our Connection Group recently, a common and natural response to how Joshua’s faith in his time relates to our faith now arose in the discussion: “I think I could be more faithful in difficult times like Joshua if I experienced God revealing himself to me similar to the supernatural ways that Joshua experienced.”
I mean, really-freeing all the Jewish slaves from Egypt with miraculous plagues; destroying the Egyptian army and allowing the Jewish slaves to escape by parting the Red Sea; God as a pillar of cloud and pillar of fire to lead the Jews in the desert; power of God displayed at Mt. Sinai; manna from heaven; parting the Jordan River; walls of Jericho crashing down at the sound of trumpets and shouting; stopping the sun from setting to aid the Jews in battle-just to name a few.
How could Joshua ever doubt that God was with him and actively working for his good? Would there ever be a moment where you weren’t expecting God to break through in your life with some wonderous sign? You would almost surely be thinking about, looking for, or waiting on the Almighty in every hour of every day of your life, right? Your faith as a believer would seemingly be overflowing at all times, wouldn’t it?
But where are these great timely miracles in our lives? Like in Joshua’s time, people groups are being overrun by evil in some parts of the world and taken from their homeland, Christians are starving and being imprisoned today, children are being enslaved, plagues are killing millions, and God is openly being mocked and ignored. And on a personal level, jobs have been lost, family members have become sick and perished, marriages are falling apart, and addictions are multiplying. We all could use a supernatural miracle about now to change things or at least the reports of one to increase our faith. But alas, they seem to be suspiciously absent and our corresponding response as believers seems to be apathy and faithlessness.
Maybe it’s just a function of numbers. Allowing for how one counts a miracle and unknown early human populations, the Bible records just less than 200 miracles which only appeared to less than 6 million in a period of approximately 4000 years. Given that approximately 100 billion people have ever existed, and that the world has been a mess in need of supernatural intervention in every age, it seems “logical” that we would never experience any type of Godly miracle.
But God has never been subject to human logic and our eyes and minds have, more times than not, been focused on our circumstances rather than the priorities and omnipotence of God. The truth is, the sun coming up every morning, gravity never changing, and life on Earth is a miracle. Every birth of a human being and the autonomous harmonious functions of every cell in our bodies is a miracle. We know this because if one of those things were to fail it would be a tragedy of epic proportions.
But all of those things were present for Joshua as well as us. All of those things, no matter how amazing, fail to spur us on because they’re “common place”. What about now? Well for the wicked unbeliever and cynical the Bible says the only sign that should be expected is the resurrection of Christ (Mat 12:39-40) and the glory of creation (Rom 1:18-20). But, for the believer? Well, THAT is the miracle! WE are the miracles!
With every sinful heart that comes to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, accepts the unearned gift of forgiveness and eternal life through His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the grave, and receives the supernatural indwelling of the Holy Spirit, God is directly demonstrating His miraculous faith building power. Do you recognize the miraculous changes in your life and your brothers’ and sisters’ lives by the supernatural regeneration of our hearts? Can you recognize the miraculous power in personal sins decreased, patience increased, kindness instead of anger, self-control for temptation, and faithfulness, like that of Joshua, when you want to quit?
God’s supernatural miracles are around us daily, carried out by the Holy Spirit for the glory of God and our benefit. Don’t ever lose faith, brother and sister, God is literally always with you - YOU are a miracle to me!
Then Jesus told (Thomas), “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)