Misplaced Faith


Written By: Christina Gregory

I’ve lost faith in humanity.” The world just keeps getting scarier. The tragedies are past hitting too close to home…they’re right here. Things seem to just keep getting worse. How do you suppose Jesus would respond to this lack of hope in the world He created and died for? I think He’d say, “Good.”

It’s a statement I hear weekly, “I’ve lost faith in humanity.” Or sometimes there’s a hero and I’ll hear, “They restored my faith in humanity.” But friend, our faith was never intended to be held by humanity to begin with. I know you’re thinking “That’s not what I meant!” I believe you. But the problem is our behavior tells a different story.

We lose faith in our friend, so we build up walls too high for others to get in.

We lose faith in our government, so we live in fear and constantly expect the worst.
We lose faith in our Bible study group, so we dodge every other opportunity to plug in.
We lose faith in our pastor, so we leave the Church and decide maybe it isn’t necessary.
We lose faith in humanity, so we start questioning if we truly believe in a good God at all.

When we misplace our faith, we tend to take matters into our own hands. We become hard-hearted, spiteful and distant, ultimately isolating ourselves from others and from God. I hope you can see that’s exactly what evil wants. When we misplace our faith, we misplace our need for a Savior.

God knew our family and friends would hurt us. We’d hurt them too. So He sent a Savior. And He tells us to forgive others as He forgave us.

God knew our government wouldn’t be able to meet the needs of all its people all the time. So He sent a Savior. And He gave us hope of eternity with Him in Paradise.

God knew that our Church and its leaders would make mistakes. So He sent a Savior. And He reminds us we’re there to follow Him, not man.

God knew that the human race needed saving. So He sent a Savior. It was His plan all along.

Isaiah 2:22 says “Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem?”

God isn’t pacing the floors of heaven trying to devise a plan while we wade through this darkness. He isn’t caught off guard by the violence and the chaos. He isn’t throwing up His hands over the abuse of power and injustice. He meets you with the forgiveness you give. He gives you peace that makes no sense. He gave your life purpose for the good of this world and for His glory. Friend, God is good at being God.

Respectfully, lose your faith in humanity. Get rid of it once and for all. The work is finished. Jesus came, lived, died, rose and He is coming back. In the meantime, pray, volunteer, vote, advocate, donate, love.