Deconstructing Church Hurt
Written By: Christina Gregory
If I stood before any congregation on a Sunday morning and asked for a show of hands from people who have experienced church hurt, the majority would respond. The few whose hands don’t shoot up, I’d just have to assume aren’t involved in their church enough. The truth is, it’s inevitable. An organization run entirely by sinners is bound to come with baggage.
I’ve had the privilege of growing up in the Church. I’ve been a member of just three churches in my life, all of which came with its fair share of drama and hurt. And each time something new arises, I briefly think back fondly on the days where I was disconnected enough to be blissfully unaware of any issues. But that’s not the way God intended the Church to operate. He knew there would be dysfunction and scandal. He knew that leaders would fail and spiritual giants would fall, and He built the Church anyway.
If He’s not surprised by the messes we’ve made, why are we?
I’m afraid that we’ve oversold community in our churches instead of Christ, of which I am the most guilty.
One of my favorite testimonies is how God answered my prayer for friends. Abundantly so. It’s had a positive impact on every aspect in my life from my marriage and parenting to finances and my health, and most of all, my relationship with Christ. I’ve written about it more than once and I brag about the people in my life every chance I get. But my friends are an ancillary benefit to my faith. They encourage me and hold me accountable, but my relationship with the Father is still one-on-one.
I pray that wherever you choose to worship on Sunday mornings, you feel welcomed and I hope you make friends. But most of all, I hope you feel the Spirit.
I encourage you to join a small group and find your people there. But most of all, I hope you learn more about studying the Bible.
I urge you to bring your kids to church with you and I hope they love seeing their friends in a fun, safe environment. But most of all, I hope they meet Jesus there.
I hope that you sign up for some of the many events our staff and volunteers put together and I hope you have a great time! But most of all, I hope you’re spurred on to get to know God more intimately.
I pray that you hold our leadership to realistic, human standards. They’re going to mess up. They’re going to sometimes say the wrong thing. Get to know them. Their intentions are good.
I encourage you to not church-hop even when you get offended, so long as the Word of God is upheld. I know sometimes it feels like a blank slate would be the easiest way to move forward, but family is oftentimes messy and the local church operates as a family.
I urge you to take your favorite people at church down from the pedestal you’ve inadvertently put them on. This is the one that I’ve learned the hard way over and over. Believe the best in people, but leave room for God to work in their lives too.
I hope that you’ll forgive. Church hurt hurts God too, but He built the Church anyway.
In Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus gives us the greatest commandment which is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus makes it clear in His command that our love for God supersedes our love for anyone else. We can feel confident when we put God on a pedestal that He deserves to be there. Your time spent pursuing Him at church on Sunday mornings, with your small group, around the table with friends will always be fruitful. His character is consistent and His promises are complete. Church hurt can’t survive when God is in His rightful position.